This is the first of many more
back-to-school posts, I’m sure. If I wait much longer to chronicle what you’re
up to right now I’ll forget all the important things, So here we go!
Levi, you turned 3 just a few
short months ago, and just last week I sent you off to your first day of
preschool. You’re going three mornings a week. It’s quite a change for you, but
so far you seem to enjoy the routine aspect, and (as always) you love playing
with new friends and teachers. You aren’t shy, or clingy in the least. You have
a great sense of self-confidence.
Your favorite color is red and it’s
been your favorite for a year or so now. Your best friend (of course) is
Teague, and you’ll make up almost any excuse to go over and play with him. You
two attend preschool together. You tell me you want to be a fire fighter when
you grow up, another desire that hasn’t changed for at least a year. You also
want to be a daddy, and a superhero.
You know your alphabet, and you
can properly identify your letters. Numbers, on the other hand, are still quite
difficult for you, as is the sound made by the letter “S”, but only when it precedes a consonant.
You usually ignore the letter all together when unless it precedes a vowel. You’re
beginning to identify simple words, like your name, and your sister’s name, but
I stress “beginning”. My favorite word that you say right now is “their-chother”.
I think it’s so cool how your language acquisition has lead you to make up
words that your little 3-year-old brain assumes follow the rules of grammar. So
cute! I also love how you have begun using adult idioms and figures of speech.
It is not uncommon for you, when explaining an event at school, to use the
phrase “we were going back and fourth…”. It’s funny to hear my words come out
of your mouth. You also like the phrase, “well, actually…”
Your memory is like a steel trap.
You can correctly tell anyone who asks what your full name is. Spelling and all
(ok, you can almost correctly spell your last name) and your birthdate. You’ve
recently memorized your address, although it’s a bit sketchy. We’ve also been
memorizing simple scriptures as a family and you’re doing great! As long as we
do the hand motions, you’re great with 1 John 4:8, and the first half of John
3:16. In the coming months we’ll be memorizing A good chunk of Luke 2 as a
family. Can’t wait!
You’re still a tall drink of
water, almost 39 inches. You weigh about 36lbs. We think you’ll be tall and
lean like your daddy. You’re almost into a 4T, and a size 9 shoe. You’ve been
potty trained now for about a year, and night-trained for about two months. You
typically go to bed around 8, and wake up around 6:30. You’re a great sleeper,
and like your parents, a total morning person. Breakfast is your favorite meal,
by far. Aside from breakfast foods, your favorites include PBJ’s, cheese, yogurt,
hot dogs, mac and cheese, grapes,
apples, cantaloupe, bananas, tomatoes, applesauce, and virtually anything else
in the fruit category.
Some of your favorite activities
include coloring & painting, reading, RUNNING up and down the hallway,
making your sister laugh, running around outside, imitating any chore or task
mommy & daddy do, and pretending; giving voices to all your toys. It is not
uncommon for me to find you in your room re-enacting a scene from earlier in
our day with a few of your toys. It serves as another reminder to me that you
watch, and listen to me, even when I don’t think you’re paying any attention. Another
great reason to be mindful of what I say to you.
Levi, we love you so very much –
I love watching you grow and learn. What fun it will be to watch you over this
year and see what the Lord has in store for your little life.
So, what your saying is that Levi looooves talking about his "red. fire. truck"...which is redder than his fire hose...
Sam's favorite color has been orange for quite a while now too. And she's quite certain she'll be a teacher. Isn't it crazy what they latch on to?
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